Three Little Angels

Created by Tracy 12 years ago
When my Nan's brother Moe was taken ill at hospital we was introduced to my cousin Bradley's girlfriend Sam. At a time as difficult as this was for us all it was hard to find something good to come out of this situation but as my Uncle Moe's health deterioated and we knew there would be only one outcome I saw my poor Nan's heart ache, she was always his little baby sister. On the sad day my uncle past away the tears flowed and a few days after the his death Sam decided to pop round for a chat. This then blossomed into a lovely friendship. A year after Uncle Moe died, Sam and Bradley had a little boy called Aaron and I truly feel he was a gift. My nan always called him her little man. Sam and Bradley went on to have two more children both little girls first there was Rachel followed by little Tracie and believe me these were Nans little rays of sunshine .She loved her three little angels to bits and would spend every moment she could with them. I will always feel lucky that even though I have no children myself she had the joy of being a nan all over again. The three kids all called my Nan Roro and loved her as much as she loved them. Sam is to us and always will be family I think she adopted us or we adopted her not sure which way it was. I was told once for everything bad that happens something good always come out of it and I know the good thing that happened to us, was the day we was introduced to Sam and for letting her, Bradley and the kids be in our life like they always have been for my nan and always will be for me and my mum. My nans three little angels always had a way to bring a smile to my nans face no matter how she was feeling inside. Little Tracie Tina Rosina Coutts bless her was named after me, my mum and nan and we were and always will be touched by this. My nan spoilt the kids just like she did with me they in my nan's eye could do no wrong and always got away with blue murder. We have spent so many good times together like going to the zoo, the seaside, Fairs or simply being at home together. I know in the future we will still go for days out but will always feel that there is a place where my nan should be standing with us. I will do my best nan to look out for your three little angels.
